Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother's Day Gift Set

I often tell people that if I end up half the woman my mother is, then I will have accomplished something worthy of taking great pride in. And, while many will bemoan the rise of the Hallmark holiday, I cannot help but feel that taking the time to dedicate a full day to the appreciation of the women who raised us, is a celebration long overdue. Here, I have created a small gift guide, inspired by Mama Thistle and all of the other brave souls that have given so much of themselves to see us succeed.

Mother's Day Gift Set

Mother's Day Gift Set

1. At Last: White Petal & Rice Flower Handcream by Lollia $25 at Lady Pickwick's
Lollia has so many lovely scented creams, but Mama Thistle loves yellow, so it felt right to pick At Last. The packaging is gorgeous, but it is really only a compliment for the quality of the moisturizer, not a substitute. I have been using these sweet creams through the week and they work well and smell delightful and fresh!

2. Rosa Wax Tablets by Santa Maria Novella
$34 at Pickwick's Mercantile
I've gushed about Santa Maria Novella before and you can read some of that HERE, but I'll make a long story short. These wax tablets are hand-made by monks in Florence, Italy, in the same way that they have been made for over 400 years. Not only is their scent delicate and delicious, it can last decades! Come in and we will write out the story of the monastery and its products in a fine hand, so that you can include it with your gift.  

3. The Unofficial Downton Abbey Cookbook
$25 at Pickwick's Mercantile
I feel comfortable recommending this cookbook because my family is eagerly cooking its way through it. I gave this as a Christmas gift to Mama Thistle and everything from these fun pages has been delicious so far. Want to sweeten the deal? Tuck a paper certificate between the pages that guarantees an evening of your time to cook something from the book with your mother. That's really all they truly want, isn't it? Some time.

4. Lavender Bath Salts by Hand-in-Hand
$25 at Pickwick's Mercantile
As all mamas know, relaxation is a rare and necessary thing, and as your mother has spent her life advocating for you, why not gift her with a something from a company that stands up for others? These lavender bath salts look and smell beautiful and come in a great quantity for the price. They are also made completely in the United States, but what I am most impressed by is that for each bottle you purchase, Hand-in-Hand donates one bar of soap to a child in a developing nation and purchases 50 square feet of rain forest! 

5. Pearls of Wisdom collection by Lucky Feather
$15 at Pickwick's Mercantile
Pearls of wisdom seems a fitting theme for a mother's day gift. Jewelry is a sweet gift because it offers up a reminder each time it is put on, and necklaces are even better for mother's day as they are something she can wear close to the heart.

I hope that you are all getting much needed downtime with the lovely lady in your life. May your mother/daughter - mother/son relationship look more like a friendship with the passage of time.


Can't come in? 
 Send me an e-mail at
and we will make sure your goodies come to your doorstep (or mum's)!

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