Saturday, August 2, 2014

Head Scarf Stylin' with Celebrity Stylist, Derek Warburton

Evelyn Brent, killing it in the 1920's.
Photo Credit

Not too long ago, our friend Derek Warburton spared some time from that New York hustle to visit Pickwick's and pick some favorites. On that day, he also gave some shop-girls a crash-course in wearing our super fun, made-in-Portsmouth head scarves. We took some pictures so that you could all get in on the goodness. 

Head scarves have been chic since just about always and it's great to see them making a come-back. All things in their time, Mama Thistle always says, but I feel like I've been waiting since the 50's for my addiction to be, once-again, Cannes worthy.

Grace Kelly totally gets me.

Many people are intimidated by the wearing of beauty bands, but I'm here to tell you that is easy and all-season appropriate, so it's a great style skill to learn. Cast aside your worries, twist up, and step out!

I'm obsessed with these sunglasses, so no making fun. Anyway, channeling the Grace Kelly shot above my own, this is a great, clean look. It may appear to be a wonder of geometry and hairband physics, but there's nothing to it. Simply twist in the front and then tuck in your ends in the back. Voila! The Princess of Monaco approves. 

This is my personal favorite look of the four. It makes me think of that Evelyn Brent picture at the top of this post. It appears so effortless. Where is my motorcar? More importantly, where is my slick of knockout red lipstick? Style this with a loose, high-waisted belted trouser and a clean looking button down. Boho powerhouse. That's all I can say. To make this look happen, simply fold your band in half, pull tight to conceal the hairline and then twist to one side in the back.

 Third Look, I dub thee "The Bunny Bow". This look is so cute, I can't bear it. Very Prescott Park in the summer, or I imagine it paired with a bathing suit and my favorite accessory- the beach. Hair bands are particularly great for keeping one's hairdo in check, without the stress of frizzy hat noggin'. For this style, keep your band wide and place the widest part at the base of your head. Pull around tightly, up and forward, twist and splay the ends like patterned petals so that they are to their full width.

This fourth look is Diva Level Pro. Two hair bands twisted together and manipulated every which way. Try your hand at this in the mirror. This is some Derek Warburton sort of magic and if you can nail it, you should get a certificate! Hear that, readers? Consider that a formal challenge.

Thank you so much to Derek for coming out and helping us get creative with our head pieces! Come in to the shop to see all of the fun styles and we'll give you an in-store tutorial for these super wearable little lovelies!

Leo- I mean Gatsby, thinks head scarves are keen!
Warner Brothers' Great Gatsby

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